

Jonathan Jayes


March 30, 2023

🔥 Welcome to our page of resources for learning Stata, the powerful econometrics software used by researchers and analysts in many fields. 📚 Here you will find a variety of materials to help you get started and become proficient in using Stata, including tutorials, documentation, and examples.🤓 Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, these resources will help you make the most of this powerful tool💻📊.

Stata commands

This Stata tutorial from Oscar Torres Reyna.

Useful blog posts

Asjad Naqvi’s mapping guide for Stata part 1

Asjad Naqvi’s mapping guide for Stata part 2

A World Bank blog on mapping in Stata

Youtube channels

Sebastian Wai’s channel

Econometrics Academy from Ani Katchova