Data visualization


  1. Get you excited about storytelling with data

  2. Show some tips and tricks to make your maps and charts pop


  1. Improving your maps

  2. Overcoming Excel

  3. Telling a story with data

  4. Reproducing figures for publication

Everything is a story

Dan Harmon’s Story Circle

Our Story Circle

Improving your maps

Legend breaks

Recap from Lab 1 exercies

Make a map of the share of employment in industry in the year 2010 across the whole dataset

Recap from Lab 1 exercies

What is wrong with this map? 🗺️

Recap from Lab 1 exercies


Discuss with your neighbour:

  • What do we like?

  • What is confusing?

spmap employment_share_industry using "nutscoord.dta" 
  if year == 2010, 
  id(_ID) fcolor(Spectral) legstyle(2) 
    title("Employment Share Industry - 2010", size(large)) 
    osize(0.02 ..) ocolor(white ..) 
    clmethod(custom) clbreaks(0 (0.2) 1)
    legend(pos(9) size(medium) rowgap(1.5) 
    label(6 "80-100 %") label(5 "60-80 %") 
    label(4 "40-60 %") label(3 "20-40 %") label(2 "0-20 %") 
    label(1 "No Data")) 
    ndfcolor(gray) ndocolor(white ..) ndsize(0.02 ..)

Let’s plot the disribution of the data

histogram employment_share_industry if year == 2010, 

Let’s plot the disribution of the data

kdensity employment_share_industry if year == 2010

Now let’s make breaks based on this information

spmap employment_share_industry using "nutscoord.dta" 
  if year == 2010, id(_ID) fcolor(Spectral) legstyle(2) 
    title("Employment Share Industry - 2010", size(large)) 
    osize(0.02 ..) ocolor(white ..) 
    clmethod(custom) clbreaks(0 (0.075) 0.5) 
    legend(pos(9) size(medium) rowgap(1.5) 
    label(7 "37-45 %") label(6 "30-37 %") 
    label(5 "23-30 %") label(4 "15-23 %") 
    label(3 "8-15 %") label(2 "0-8 %") 
    label(1 "No Data")) 
    ndfcolor(gray) ndocolor(white ..) ndsize(0.02 ..)

Colour scales

Uses of color in data visualization

  1. Distinguish categories (qualitative)

Qualitative scale example

Palette name: Okabe-Ito

Qualitative scale example

Palette name: Brewer Set1

Qualitative scale example

Palette name: Brewer Dark2

Uses of color in data visualization

  1. Distinguish categories (qualitative)
  1. Represent numeric values (sequential)

Sequential scale example

Palette name: inferno

Sequential scale example

Palette name: viridis

Uses of color in data visualization

  1. Distinguish categories (qualitative)
  1. Represent numeric values (sequential)
  1. Represent numeric values (diverging)

Diverging scale example

Uses of color in data visualization

  1. Distinguish categories (qualitative)
  1. Represent numeric values (sequential)
  1. Represent numeric values (diverging)
  1. Highlight

Highlight example

Using density plots to set your legend breaks: quick example

Dataset: Solar panels in Sweden

Installed solar capacity in Sweden
Year: 2021
Swedish county Installed solar capacity (megawatts)
Västra Götalands län 266.21
Skåne län 256.25
Stockholms län 182.25
Östergötlands län 106.81
Hallands län 94.31
Jönköpings län 88.53
Södermanlands län 79.71
Uppsala län 79.11
Kalmar län 59.01
Västmanlands län 49.45
Source: Energimyndigheten

How to decide on values for the bins?

Use a histogram or a density plot to see where the weight of the distribution is.

Map with appropriate breaks

Ask your neighbour:

  1. what kind of palette is this?

  2. Is it appropriate to use with this data?


Improving your maps

Great Choropleths

Examples of great maps

Financial Times analysis of Italian election results

Examples of great maps

Financial Times analysis of Italian election results

Examples of great maps

Human Terrain from The Pudding

Examples of great maps

The Coming Crisis: Exploring the U.S. Physician Shortage by Daniel Snow

Overcoming Excel


Overcoming Excel

Overcoming Excel

Formby et al (2017) Microsoft Excel: Is It An Important Job Skill for College Graduates?

Overcoming Excel


  1. You will likely use Excel in the future 📊

  2. Excel’s default plots and tables can be improved upon 📈

  3. Simple rules can help you make your message clear 💎

Overcoming Excel


Overcoming Excel: Column plot

  • We often encounter datasets containing simple amounts 🤏

  • Here is some data on a sample of Swedish musical artists 🎵

  • I put this data into Excel, and asked for a recommended chart 📊

Swedish musical artists
Rank Artist Monthly listeners (m)
1 Avicii 29.47
2 ABBA 23.48
3 José González  4.07
4 Robyn  3.11
5 Timbuktu  0.38
Datasource: Spotify charts Nov 2022

Your turn


Discuss with your neighbour:

  • What do we like?

  • What is confusing?

Tip 1: Avoid rotated axis labels

Ugly 🤢

Tip 1: Avoid rotated axis labels

Flip axes so that the text is easier to read 👓

Tip 2: Pay attention to the order of the bars

Bad 👎

Tip 2: Pay attention to the order of the bars

It is clear that José González recieves more streams than Robyn

Tip 3: Consider your titles, labels and axes

Uninformative️ ❗

Tip 3: Consider your titles, labels and axes

Note the title, x-axis title, x-axis labels 📙

Tip 3: Consider your titles, labels and axes

Titles and captions have different application areas

Figure 1: Monthly streams for Swedish musical artists. Data sources: Spotify charts in November 2022

We can use dots instead of bars

We can use dots instead of bars

Dots are preferable if we want to truncate the axes

Dataset: Solar panels in Sweden

Dots are preferable if we want to truncate the axes

Bar lengths do
not accurately
represent the
data values

Dots are preferable if we want to truncate the axes

Key features
of the data
are obscured

Dots are preferable if we want to truncate the axes

Overcoming Excel


Overcoming Excel: Tables

  • We often encounter datasets containing simple amounts 🤏

  • Here is some data on a sample of Swedish musical artists 🎵

  • I put this data into Excel, and asked it to insert a table 🗃️

Swedish musical artists
Rank Artist Monthly listeners (m)
1 Avicii 29.47
2 ABBA 23.48
3 José González  4.07
4 Robyn  3.11
5 Timbuktu  0.38
Datasource: Spotify charts Nov 2022

Your turn again


Discuss with your neighbour:

  • What do we like?

  • What is confusing?

Key rules for table layout
Number Rule
1 Do not use vertical lines.
2 Do not use heavy horizontal lines between data rows. (Horizontal lines as separator between the title row and the first data row or as frame for the entire table are fine.)
3 Text columns should be left aligned.
4 Number columns should be right aligned and should use the same number of decimal digits throughout.
5 Columns containing single characters are centred.
6 The header fields are aligned with their data, i.e., the heading for a text column will be left aligned and the heading for a number column will be right aligned.
Source: Claus Wilke’s Fundamentals of Data Visualization

Let’s apply these rules

Key rules for table layout
Number Rule
1 Do not use vertical lines.
2 Do not use heavy horizontal lines between data rows. (Horizontal lines as separator between the title row and the first data row or as frame for the entire table are fine.)
3 Text columns should be left aligned.
4 Number columns should be right aligned and should use the same number of decimal digits throughout.
5 Columns containing single characters are centred.
6 The header fields are aligned with their data, i.e., the heading for a text column will be left aligned and the heading for a number column will be right aligned.
Source: Claus Wilke’s Fundamentals of Data Visualization

Table A

Table B

Let’s apply these rules

Key rules for table layout
Number Rule
1 Do not use vertical lines.
2 Do not use heavy horizontal lines between data rows. (Horizontal lines as separator between the title row and the first data row or as frame for the entire table are fine.)
3 Text columns should be left aligned.
4 Number columns should be right aligned and should use the same number of decimal digits throughout.
5 Columns containing single characters are centred.
6 The header fields are aligned with their data, i.e., the heading for a text column will be left aligned and the heading for a number column will be right aligned.
Source: Claus Wilke’s Fundamentals of Data Visualization

Table C

Table D

Storytelling with data

Related time series

An alternative: time on a third axis

What have we learned?

  • Both countries saw a large drop in fertility from the 1960s until the 1980s

  • In Denmark, after 1970 we see an increase in the share of children born outside of marriage

  • In contrast, Greek families have relatively few children outside of marriage.

  • After 1990, Danish fertility increased from 1.3 to 1.8, while Greek fertility remained at ‘lowest-low’ levels, below replacement.

What have we changed?

  • Indicators on the x- and y-axis and then show time with text labels

  • Legend is replaced with colour coded title

  • Colours have meaning (main colour of country flag)

  • Percentage labels on the y-axis

Storytelling with data

Giving context

Giving context

Sometimes we may want to show a particular series of data in its correct context.

For instance, in our line graph above which showed the evolution of the share of births outside of marriage in Denmark and Greece, we might want to know if these two represent the extremes within Europe.

Giving context

Do Denmark and Greece represent the extremes of the share of children born outside of marriage in Europe?

Giving context with an average

One way to do this would be to show an average for Europe

Giving context with an interval ribbon

Giving context with all of the data

This is silly

Giving context with all of the data

Here we highlight the series we are interested in and draw in the remaining series in grey

What have we changed?

  • Shows each of the series

  • We can see that Denmark is a leader in the beginning, but is caught up by other nations

  • Does not hide outliers

  • Makes clear the trends in your countries of interest

Storytelling with data

Tips for polished figures

Tips for polishing your figures

Where to get great colours from for your plots:

help spmap # Look for the palettes under fcolor

Recreating published figures

A FT chart published without the underlying data

Recreating published figures

Recreating published figures

You pay a heavy price

Additional data demo